Продукти за detox сок (5)

Тоник за Нормална Кожа 400ml

Тоник за Нормална Кожа 400ml

Es verfügt über eine wirksame Formel mit Kräuterextrakten. Es entfernt mühelos Schmutz und Make-up-Rückstände, die sich im Laufe des Tages auf der Haut angesammelt haben. Dank der Wirkung des enthaltenen Lavendelblütenextrakts auf das Kreislaufsystem trägt es dazu bei, die Menge an Sauerstoff zu erhöhen, die in die Haut eindringt, wodurch die Haut jünger, strahlender und glatter aussieht. ml:400


It is flavored with pomegranate extract obtained from natural plants. It strengthens the muscle and joint tissue It nourishes the body with collagen type-1 and type-3, and ensures the continuity of collagen. It strengthens the immune system and increases body resistance. Thanks to the minerals and proteins contained in BY B. Collagen, it gives your skin shine and smoothness and gives vitality all day long. It is formulated in the highest limits as a daily intake dose.
Екстракти - Билкови Течни Екстракти

Екстракти - Билкови Течни Екстракти

Ekstrat Çeşitlerimiz için web sitemizi inceleyiniz
Neuvera Botox - Ефективен ботокс серум

Neuvera Botox - Ефективен ботокс серум

Neuvera Botox serum is the best option for beautifying the skin and protecting it from premature wrinkles. It makes the skin replace the use of Botox. It is very suitable for those with dry skin Neuvera Botox serumu cildi güzelleştirmek ve erken kırışıklıklardan korumak için en iyi seçenektir.Cildin Botoks kullanımının yerini almasını sağlar. Kuru cilde sahip olanlar için çok uygundur
80 Градуса Лимонова Колоня 150 мл

80 Градуса Лимонова Колоня 150 мл

The unchanging scent of the holidays, Agarta Lemon Cologne brings the nostalgic breeze you miss to your homes. UPC:AGK-86965444